A wine lover’s dream…

Anjou Noir

Anjou Noir

Belargus is essentially a wine lover's dream come true.

At the origin of the project: the vision of a wine enthusiast, determined to restore the prestige of a thousand-year-old vineyard, in the heart of Anjou. Built stone by stone by Ivan Massonnat, the Estate is 100% dedicated to Chenin Blanc and explores the micro-terroirs of *Anjou Noir* in a single-plot approach inspired by the climats of Burgundy.

From the 11th century the hillsides of Anjou, stemming from a geological chaos from the primary era, were planted in vines by religious orders. Chenin reigned supreme there and, until the 19th century, Anjou wines were served on royal tables across Europe. Then came modern times. These brought so-called technical "innovations" and their share of historic vicissitudes, which impressed a profound change on this wine region, like many others in France. But this mosaic of millenary terroirs does remain, and Domaine Belargus has chosen to reveal all its facets through an unprecedented selection of grands crus, single-plots and monopoles.

On twenty-four hectares dedicated to the noble Chenin grape, the Estate cultivates some of the most renown terroirs in Anjou. Its mission is to express their quintessence through a single-plot approach. Among its most remarkable plots:

  • The Quarts-de-Chaume (grand cru), centre of gravity of the Estate with ten hectares in one piece, centred around the three plots historically composing the appellation
  • The "Coteau des Treilles" (monopole), a wild and steep hillside, located in the heart of a classified "Regional Natural Reserve"
  • The "Clos des Ruchères" (monopole) in Savennières, planted on a rare hillside of purple schists

Respecting the vintage’s personality, Domaine Belargus produces each year a collection of dry white wines and, in exceptional years only, uses the magic of botrytis to create some sweet wines.

Ivan Massonnat fundamentally believes in the virtues of a collective approach: since inception the Belargus project has been designed as a team adventure, bringing together young talents such as winemaker Adrien Moreau.

A collective energy that also serves several regional projects, with him presiding the Paulée d'Anjou (an international event aimed at promoting the excellence of Anjou), or contributing to the efforts to get “Ronceray” (dry Chenin produced in the Quarts-de-Chaume area) officially recognised as a Cru.